
In: Standard Posts


What is Voice search?

Comment start Basics of voice search: conversational search using any device where you can speak your question. Without a doubt, the voice search will become the dominant way people search in the next couple of years. This would include devices such as Siri, Google Voice, Amazon Alexa & Echo, Google Home, etc. About 22% of these searches have local intent (ie where is? near…


FeaturedWhere are the People Buying Cars

Please check out this Carfax Video I have posted called Where are the People Buying Cars


FeaturedBasics of Organic Search Engine Optimization starts with Local search

What is Hyperlocal search? Basics of local/hyperlocal search : a search done in a specific  (local) area to find a local business – for example:  a service business (HVAC company, doctor, dentist, auto repair,etc) as well as local restaurants, retailers and any other local product or service.   These are searches that often start with where? what? or have ‘near me’ in the search query. …